The New Standard of Clean at Our Beverly Gym
At the Award Winning Beverly Athletic Club cleanliness has always been a priority, and we have taken pride in providing our community with a clean, safe, and healthy facility to enjoy for over 20 years. In these current times, we know that cleanliness and the safety of our members and staff is even more important than ever before. We have implemented several enhanced measures that are now setting the standard in the fitness industry for cleanliness – we are taking extra steps to welcome you back to the club in a healthy, safe, and fun environment.
When you first walk into the club you will likely notice a few changes, and there are many more taking place behind the scenes. These changes are the result of our team’s dedication to providing the safest and cleanest possible club experience to you and our guests.
For more information, please contact Andrew Gallant, General Manager at [email protected]

Air Sanitization with Air PHX
airPHX is a new surface and air sanitation technology that has been tested by an independent Bio Safety lab #2 and proven to effectively eliminate bacteria, mold, mRSA, Staph, Athletes Foot Fungus, C.DIFF, Odors and HCoV-229E a close genetic match to SARS-CoV-2 (cause of the Covid-19 sickness).
airPHX units create trace amounts of gas phase hydrogen peroxide. These trace levels are extremely effective in disinfecting and are safe to have in your home or workplace. In fact the trace levels produced by airPHX units are so small that they do not rise to even 1/10th of the OSHA long term 8 hour exposure limit. Furthermore, airPHX is so safe that many hospitals are currently using these airPHX units in some of the most “immune compromised” care spaces, like oncology and transplant recovery rooms, to help reduce the likelihood of hospital acquired infections.
airPHX is a safe effective technology that allows us all to breathe a little easier and healthier!