Group training does more then burn calories

Group training is great for those who want to work out in a team-environment while seeking support from instructors. At Beverly Athletic Club, we offer adult fitness programs, designed to help you get in shape.

Group training allows participants to experience program design and coaching by one of our certified instructors, at a smaller price point than personal training. These specialty programs will compliment what you are currently doing for exercise, keep you motivated, and help you reach new fitness levels. Each program is unique, so adding a variety to your current exercise routine will help you overcome plateaus.

There’s a reason why Beverly Athletic Club was voted the number one training studio on the North Shore. Come by today to see why we are the best gym in Beverly and how you can get started in your group fitness program today.

Women on Weights (WOW)

Women on Weights (WOW) is a program designed for women of all fitness levels. WOW will teach participants how to use free weight and barbell equipment through proper technique and program design.